The Gender Pay Gap Report from the Catalytic Strategy highlights ongoing gender pay disparities in South Africa. Despite women leading 40% of households, they remain underrepresented in top-earning positions, holding only 14% of these roles. Although women make up nearly half of the workforce, they occupy just 25% of top management positions in the private sector and less than 3% of CEO positions in major companies.
The report, supported by various organizations, emphasizes that women’s economic contributions, especially in unpaid caregiving roles, are often undervalued. It calls for new laws to standardize how the gender pay gap is measured across all sectors, ensuring accurate data to tackle these issues effectively. Current policies are fragmented and fail to fully address the complexities of gender inequality, particularly in the informal sector, where many women work in low-paying jobs without legal protections.
The report urges governments, businesses, and society to work together to create a more inclusive economy that values women’s contributions and provides equal opportunities. It's not just about women’s rights—it's a societal issue that needs urgent attention and action.
Report Highlights Persistent Gender Pay Gap in South Africa, Calls for Urgent Reforms
Forced Removals from Informal Settlements. Khanyisa on SABS 2