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It is from History that we learn that people never learn anything from History, then they say “History repeats itself!”

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In the heart of a Zulu family led by Mthethwa, an ancient Zulu tradition reigns supreme and the past holds the key to the future, a controversial custom ignites a clash of beliefs.

Mthethwa, a proud traditionalist, clings to the old ways, embracing the practice of a younger brother inheriting his late sibling's widow. For him, it's more than just a custom; it's a sacred bond, a continuation of lineage.

But the Mnisi family, caught between reverence for their culture and love for their daughter, faces a dilemma. While they respect the tradition, they also stand by their child's wishes. Tensions rise as they prepare to confront Mthethwa, challenging a deeply rooted belief.

"Umkhonto: The Spear" is a gripping saga that delves into the heart of Zulu heritage, exploring the weight of tradition, the power of belief, and the courage to forge a new path

Watch: Umkhonto | The Spear